Sagicor Sagi-Gold Accumulator

Sagicor Sagi-Gold Accumulator
Sagicor Jamaica
This is an equity linked insurance plan available to anyone up to age 75 years. The plan is structured to provide insurance protection with medium-term fund accumulation to individuals up to age 60 years, and insurance protection to individuals aged

About this product
This is an equity-linked insurance plan available to anyone up to age 75 years. Sagi-gold is a very popular investment policy and also provides options for funding college education. The plan is structured to provide insurance protection plus medium-term fund accumulation to individuals up to age 60 years, and insurance protection to individuals aged 61-75 years. The maximum sum insured varies by issue age as follows:
• Issue ages 0-14: $3,000,000
• Issue ages 15-60: $6,000,000
• Issue ages 61-75: $3,000,000
The loss of a member is defined as loss of one hand, foot or sight of an eye.
Death Benefits
• If death occurs during the first year and death is not as a result of an accident, the benefit payable on death is the greater of all premiums paid and the fund value.
• If death occurs during the second policy year and death is not as a result of an accident, the benefit payable on death is greater of 50% of the Basic Sum Insured and the Fund Value, less any indebtedness.
• If death occurs after the second policy year, the death benefit is the greater of the Basic Sum Insured and the Fund Value, less any indebtedness.
Terminal Illness
Provided the policy is in force for at least two (2) full years and where the Insured is confirmed by a physician to be terminally ill and the prognosis is that death is likely to occur within six (6) months – 50% of the death benefit (subject to an upper limit decided by the Company) is payable.
Automatic Inflation Linking
Increase in Basic Sum Insured:
The owner/life insured may choose at the start of the policy to have the Basic Sum Insured and the Basic Premium automatically increase on each policy anniversary. This rate may be between 5% and 20% inclusive. The last automatic increase will occur on the policy anniversary at which the insured is age 64 nearest birthday or sooner if the Basic Sum Insured reaches $10,000,000. Indexation helps to maintain the value of your investment in real terms.
• The owner/life insured, by written request before a policy anniversary, may choose not to take up the automatic increase. If the life insured chooses not to take up the increase for more than two (2) successive policy anniversaries; then the option will be canceled.
Units may be encashed at any time subject to a minimum encashment value and a transaction fee as determined by the Company. A minimum amount (Residual Fund Value) must remain of a least 120% of the Surrender Penalty.
Option to Continue
The plan has an automatic option for continuation beyond the tenth year.
Fund Allocation
The proportion of the amount allocated to the respective Sagicor Segregated Funds can be changed from time to time. The value of the investment in these funds is not guaranteed.
Cash Surrender
The plan can be surrendered at any time for its Fund Value, less a transaction fee and less a surrender penalty expressed as a percentage of the Annual Premium as follows:
Numbers of Complete Years Premium Paid - Surender Penalty as a Percentage of the Basic Premium
0 - 30.0%
1 - 30.0%
2 - 27.0%
3 - 24.0%
4 - 21.0%
5 - 18.0%
6 - 14.4%
7 - 10.8%
8 - 7.2%
9 - 3.6%
10 and over - 0.0%
Loss of a member is defined as loss of one hand, foot or sight of an eye. There is no penalty if full surrender takes place on or after the Option Date.
Non-Payment of Premiums
Thirty days grace is allowed for the payment of any premium from its due date.
Monthly Deductions
The monthly deductions each month is the sum of the administration charge and the cost of insurance for the basic sum insured.
Death Benefits
Automatic Inflation Linking
Encashment may happen at any time.
Automatic Option to Continue the Plan
Surrender Benefits